Concepts of Self Introduction Presentation

After completing all tasks for this section, compose a 3 – 4 minute presentation that tells the class about yourself and the discoveries made in the Johari’s window exercise using a basic video. Here is what the structure of your presentation should include:

Introduce yourself – use the introduction structure on the formal outline  (  (Described in your lecture notes and linked below)

Main point 1: Discuss your Open Self – use an object to represent your open self (think

beyond the results of your digital Johari’s window).

Main point 2: Discuss your Hidden Self – use an object to represent your hidden self (think beyond the results of your digital Johari’s window).

Main Point 3: Discuss your Blind self – use an object to represent your blind self (think beyond the results of your digital Johari’s window – ask someone close to you to

identify something you don’t notice about yourself and help you choose an object).

Conclusion: use the conclusion structure on the formal outline  (  (Described in your lecture notes)

 Assignment Requirements

Include the elements of effective oral communication discussed in the lecture notes and ensure you submit your outline to this assignment. This means start with the 4 – part

introduction, well supported main points and end with the 3-part conclusion.

Submit your formal outline to this assignment first. Then, submit your video using

Canvas Studio (choose re-submit, then Studio). Remember, assignments submitted

incorrectly will not be graded until submitted correctly. You will not see your outline, but I will.

 Assignment Instructions

Step by step instructions:

  1. Work through all the materials in the module: Concepts of Self.
  2. Compose a formal outline   ( of your presentation using the above description.
  3. Prepare any physical items you would like to show during your presentation (NO digital visuals are permitted – use physical objects – no slides).
  4. Practice your presentation – at least twice – in front of another person.
  5. Record your presentation in a well-lit, quiet space with a plain white background. You should be standing up, professionally dressed. The camera (or phone or iPad) should be back far enough to capture from the waist up; eye contact is with the camera.
  6. Submit to Canvas as noted above by Sunday of Week 1.

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