Changing Technologies


To complete your fifth essay,  please write a three- to five-page (600-900 word) response to the  following question:

In “Final Jeopardy” (pp. 234-242), Stephen Baker expresses an interesting look at the way technology, especially in terms of machines, could dramatically change the relationship between mankind and technology—not just helping us to locate information, but also to show us how to think about it. What are Baker’s concerns about this evolution in technology, and what are his reasons (stated or implied) for optimism? As you consider the relative strengths and weaknesses of those reasons, explain whether and why you find yourself more pessimistic or more optimistic about our changing technologies as presented by Baker.

Please ensure that your essay addresses each component of the question assigned question and that your answer is well- organized,  uses excellent, college-level prose, and  makes judicious use of textual evidence.  

Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us


Topic: Product Service

In your Learning Activities you had opportunities to practice with product or service attributes. These product or service attributes are a key part of the marketing section of your business plan. Although in the Learning Activities you review all of the 4 P’s of the marketing mix (i.e. Product, Place, Price and Promotion), in this Discussion you address the first “P” (i.e. product) of the 4 P’s of the marketing mix concerning your product or service.

  • Describe the product(s) or service(s) your company will offer.
  • What are the benefits of your product or service to your customers, and how will you use these benefits to promote your offering?
  • What is the life-cycle of your product or service, and how does that relate to when your buyers are likely to buy the product or use your service again?

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