Categories of Analysis


“The mainstream pro-choice movement … has focused primarily on restrictions on abortion..” (Fried 184).

Why is this problematic and for whom is it problematic? Your response should include race and class as categories of analysis.


Critical Thinking Journal (CTJ) assignment is designed to enhance critical
reading skills and to aid in the development of analytical thought and writing.
To these ends, the CTJ will ask you to draw connections between course readings,
identify points of similarity or disagreement, and to consider the implications
of concepts and theories discussed in the readings. In sum, the CTJ assignment
will challenge you to think beyond what you are given. 


mainstream pro-choice movement … has focused primarily on restrictions on
abortion..” (Fried 184).  

is this problematic and for whom is it problematic? Your response should
include race and class as categories of analysis. 

response should be 450 to 500 words and make sure all 3 assigned readings are
clearly present in your CTJ response (either direct quotes or paraphrased

  • Gerber
        Fried (2000) “Abortion in the United States: Barriers to Access” 

in text citations for direct quotes (MLA or APA format) & paraphrased
ideas. Do not include a list of works cited.  

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