Racism and Research: the Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study by Allan M. Instructions:
Read Racism and Research: the Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study by Allan M. Brandt . After reading the article, connect this to your “real life” observations, readings and/or experiences. In your assignment, when answering your questions, you should be able to address the following topics in your paper after reading the article:
- Cultural Diversity – address 2 or more cultures and discuss the power structures
- Knowledge – discuss the complexity of another’s culture, such as history, values, politics, beliefs or practices
- Empathy – identify another culture’s perspectives. Recognize the feeling of another cultural group
- Attitudes – express your cultural relativism and/or openness (if applicable) to another culture
- Global Self-Awareness- address this article in global context and how it has effected others globally. Or give examples of an unethical global study.
Question 1:
In your own words, write 1-2 paragraphs describing the events presented in the essay. Answer each of the following specific questions in your response:
a. What were the main discussion points of the essay?
b. What were the results and consequences of the study?
c. Would it be acceptable to replicate this study today? Why? or Why not?
d. Was this study ethical/unethical? Explain why.
LEAP Rubric: Communication, Social Responsibility, Empirical/Quantitative
Question 2:
Using one of the three major sociological perspectives presented in this course (Functional, Conflict, or Interactionist), explain the events described in the essay. For the sociological perspective you choose, apply the perspective to the article and draw one or more conclusions from your analysis.
LEAP Rubric: Critical Thinking
Question 3:
Connect what you read in the essay to any material presented in this course – be sure to use at least 3-5 terms from the text/lecture (use your glossary)
LEAP Rubric: Communication