Business Process Goals


Business process goals are   captured within information systems to enable…


a. sales

b. transacting

c. leadership

d. control


Information management is essential in the creation of…

a. global enterprises and other complex business entities

b. winning product designs

c. high-tech companies

d. organizational processes, capabilities, and value in companies of all types and sizes


Alignment between Amazon’s   information needs and its business focus is vitally important because..

a. if there is no alignment between its business focus and its information needs,  Amazon will be unable to operate at its current levels of productivity

b. if there is no alignment between its business focus and its information needs,  Amazon will find it difficult if not impossible to transact, manage, and innovate

c. if there is no alignment between its business focus and its information needs, stock prices will fall

d. if there is no alignment between its business focus and its information needs, more mistakes will occur in filling customer orders


Using information system feedback is…

a. is often referred to as “control”

b. costly to establish

c. a necessary evil of doing business today

d. a smart move when done properly

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