Business Intelligence

Question 1

Key Assignment Draft

In addition to the Business Intelligence Development Plan template including section headings (project outline), you should submit a Data Classification and Visualization Assessment section of 4–5 pages that includes the following for the case study organization:

  • Describe the specific types of structured and unstructured data that are essential to the case study organization.
  • Describe the specific structured and unstructured data that will be needed to support the KPIs that were identified in Week 3’s IP.
  • Describe the specific methods and tools that will be used to provide visualization of the structured and unstructured data for the organization.
  • All sources should be cited both in-text and in the References section using APA format.

Question 2

write at least a one page journal entry that reflects your understanding of this topic.

Grading Criteria:Points:
Timely submission by the end of the unit.2 points
Journal entry fully answers the selected question specific to that assignment and displays a thorough understanding of the underlying concepts with references to required readings.5 points
Journal entry integrates any relevant outside resource, or research, to support important points. Correct citations are included.2 points
Evidence of proofing with no spelling punctuation and grammar mistakes.1 point

Do you think that business practices in an Islamic country are likely to differ from business practices in the United States? If so how?

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