Best Approach

Question 1

Imagine that your principal has come to you and stated that the district is interested

in hosting a professional development workshop for educators to help them broaden their cultural competence, improve their family-teacher relationships, and enhance educational experiences for all students. The district is proposing using the materials from “A Class Divided” and “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” for the workshop.

Your principal has asked you to submit a 500-750 word persuasive essay either in
support of or against the use of the material in these resources. In your essay, include specific examples that discuss whether the materials could be used to help individuals broaden their cultural competence, build stronger relationships, and create more relevant educational experiences.

Question 2

Which of the four approaches in the Farley text do you think is the best for resolving problems of majority-minority inequality in education?  Why do you think it is the best approach? Provide details to demonstrate that you have read the Farley chapters thoroughly and understand them.

cited: Farley, J. (2012). Majority-Minority Relations (6th ed.), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice   Hall,   Inc.

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