Aquatic Mammals

1. What type of continental margin is presently represented by the eastern edge of North America? How did it form? What types of sedimentation is this margin experiencing?

2. What kinds of Paleogene and Neogene deposits are found in North America’s continental interior? What was the source of these sediments?

3. Discuss the formation of the Basin and Range Province of North America. How is it different from typical orogenic belts?

4. a) How did continental glaciations affect areas far away from ice sheets? What were some of these effects?

b) Explain the concept of isostatic rebound, and cite evidence for rebound that has occurred since the end of the Pleistocene.

5. a) Compare and contrast erosional and depositional glacial landforms. How do they form? Give at least two examples of each.

b) Discuss the history of glacial Lake Missoula.

c) Explain Milankovitch’s Theory of climate change.

6. a) Discuss the development of small mammals during the Cenozoic.

b) Where were marsupials most abundant during the Cenozoic Era? What has been their fate thus far?

c) Compare and contrast placental mammals, marsupials, and monotremes.

7. What is the significance of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum?

8. a) The aquatic mammals include the orders Sirenia and Cetacea. Discuss the development of these aquatic mammals during the Eocene.

b) How did the cephalopods of the Cenozoic seas differ from the cephalopods of the Mesozoic?

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