Age Comparison

This assignment relates to the following Course Learning Requirements:

CLR 1 – Identify and compare developmental milestones and variations in children across different ages and stages

CLR 2 – Support the development and learning of individual children within the context of their own individuality, family, culture, and society

CLR 3 – Utilize appropriate technique(s) to collect data on and analyze children’s skills, abilities, and interests CLR 4 – Plan developmentally appropriate experiences based on the results of observations

CLR 5 – Examine developmentally appropriate and inclusive practices in all aspects of professional practice that demonstrates respect for the individual and their families

Objective of this Assignment: To identify how school-age children are developmentally different from

preschool children by making observations of preschool children and comparing this information to research you carry out on developmental milestones of school-age children. This will help you determine how developmental differences account for the planning and implementation of learning experiences.


You will make observations of preschool children to then describe and assess typical developmental milestones for this age group. Comparable developmental milestones for school-age will be researched, identified, and compared to the developmental skills and abilities observed for the preschool group. You will then be asked to outline two learning experiences (activities) for both groups with a focus on determining the developmentally appropriate differences that go into the planning and implementation of the learning experiences provided.

To meet the requirements for this assignment, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete observations a minimum of five observations will be needed to fully describe the developmental abilities and skills typical to children in the preschool years.

Please watch the following videos in the link below so you can observe children.

(Only use these videos – no marks will be given if different videos are used.)

  • Document your observations on a number of children/groups of preschool children in a variety of activities. Use the “Observation Templates” document for examples of different observation tools you may use to generate five typed-up observations.  In order to familiarize yourself with different observation tools, it is recommended that you use a variety of tools found in that document.  These five observations will be submitted with your assignment.
  • Analyze your documented observations in order to identify the specific cognitive, physical, social, emotional and language/communication development of the children you observed.  Using template A, list the name of at least 3 skills that you observed and documented (in the observations you will be submitting).  The textbook and the ELECT document will be helpful in identifying the specific names of observed skills (ELECT can be found in the assignment folder).  Also identify specific indicators for each skill identified; this refers to what you observed that led you to conclude that those skills were being demonstrated by the children.
  • In the other column of template A, list the skills and abilities for children in the school-age years of development that you have found through your research. To clearly identify the anticipated changes in development, use the 7 to 10-year age range as the comparison group.  Use a set of reliable resources to establish what the comparable skills would be for the development observed in the data collected for the preschool children (textbook, course notes, credible on-line sources, etc.)
  • Provide a summary paragraph of the comparison chart describing some of the major developmental differences an educator would expect to see between typical preschool children and typical school-age children.
  • In template B, outline an obstacle course for preschool children (obstacle courses are collections of sequential experiences or stations that focus on a variety of gross-motor activities).  Then outline a similar activity for school-aged children, making sure to clearly identify the differences that the educator would have to plan for when implementing these activities with older children who have more advanced skills than the preschoolers.  Your learning experiences should be detailed enough that someone reading them would be able to recreate the experience from start to finish.  Please note that if your activity is not an obstacle course, you will not receive any marks for this section of the activity.

Draw two detailed diagrams of both obstacle courses, making sure to clearly label each area or “station.”  Include your diagrams in the appendix (they will be Appendix B and C).

  • In template C, outline an art-based sculpture experience for preschool children.  Art-based activities must be open-ended, and the “sculpture” component indicates that the outcome of this experience must be something 3-dimensional (a good test is that it would not be able to fit in an envelope).  Then outline a similar activity for school-aged children, making sure to clearly identify the differences that the educator would have to plan for when implementing these activities with older children who have more advanced skills than the preschoolers.  Your learning experiences should be detailed enough that someone reading them would be able to recreate the experience from start to finish.  Please note that if your activity is not open-ended or not a sculpture, you will not receive any marks for this section of the activity.
  • Reflect on the process of completing this assignment.  What did you learn?  Were there any “a-ha” moments that you experienced?
  • Use the guide on the next page to help you properly organize the different sections of your assignment.

General Expectations

  • All of your observations are to be typed and included in the final assignment.  Feel free to put several observations on one page if they are short. You need to include the location, time etc. for each observation – record it at the top of each observation.  Your observations will not be accepted separately for any reason.
  • Spelling and grammar will be assessed as well as the content.
  • Use APA format for referencing.

Preschool/School-Age Comparison Assignment Format

Section 1: Introduction

A brief outline of the content areas or topics your paper will be about.  This answers the question of “What is this assignment?”  Imagine you are giving this assignment to your neighbour (or someone who has no knowledge of it) and make sure to include enough information that they will have a good idea of what they can expect as they read through it.

Section 2: Methodology

A brief outline of how you will be addressing the topic areas for the paper.  This is where you can mention how you obtained the information on preschoolers (direct observation or through video) and school-aged children (research). 

Section 3: Developmental Comparison Chart (Template A)

A thorough summary of the various developmental abilities and skills observed in the data collected on preschool children.  A thorough set of comparison points for the school-age (7-10 years) across all skills and abilities identified for the preschool group.

Section 4: Comparison Summary

A general paragraph identifying the key differences analyzed between the typical development of the observed preschool children and the expected changes for the school-age group.

Section 5: Learning Experience Charts (Templates B and C)

Completed set of outlines for the learning experiences provided for preschool and school-age children. Material provided needs to clearly identify what a developmentally appropriate set of learning outcomes and implementation strategies would be for preschoolers and how these would differ for the school-age child

Section 6:  Reflection

A paragraph discussing the major points of learning you experienced through the completion of the assignment.

Section 7: References

A list of all reference materials used in preparing and completing your paper formatted to APA standards.  (Because research is required for this assignment, you will definitely have resources to include in this section.)

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