Academically Diverse Learners

This Assignment provides direct application of research and planning for literacy learning within a content area. Its focus is on appropriate curriculum and instruction to address the literacy needs of your learners. Remember to consider how you will reach all learners while still maintaining the highest educational standards.

To prepare

  • Consider the feedback you received from your literacy team in this week’s Discussion. Think about how this feedback might inform literacy instruction for academically diverse learners.
  • Next, consider a content area (i.e., social studies, math, or science), and select one area to design a literacy/content area focused lesson.
  • Search the Internet or Walden Library, and select at least one peer-reviewed journal article related to the literacy demands in the content area you selected. Think about how this article might support your planning.
  • Based on the feedback you received and the content area you selected, develop a literacy lesson that addresses the needs of the academically diverse learners in your classroom. Use the Literacy/Content Area Activity Chart found in this week’s Learning Resources to help you as you plan your activities for each type of learner.
    • Note: You will include this activity chart as part of your Assignment submission.
  • Use the Instructional Plan Template provided in the MSED Documents area under Course Home to plan your lesson.
  • Note: If you are not currently teaching, access at least 3–4 students at differing developmental reading levels at the same grade level. As you develop your literacy lesson consider the following to address the needs of the struggling learner, the on-level learner, and the high-achieving learner:
    • Variety of texts (i.e., narrative and expository/informational)
    • Technology-based tools to support literacy and content area instruction
    • Flexible grouping for effective instruction
    • Include plans for ongoing monitoring of student progress throughout the lesson
    • Any other ideas to support the needs of academically diverse learners

By Day 5 of Week 5

Submit your Literacy/Content Area Lesson using the Instructional Plan Template and the Literacy/Content Area Activity Chart.

Note: Be sure to submit these two items as a single document.

Include the following that addresses the needs of the struggling learner, the on-level learner, and the high-achieving learner:

  • Title of literacy lesson, grade level, Common Core State Standards and/or state standards, Learning Objectives, and any other relevant information for this literacy lesson.
  • For each level—struggling, on level, high achieving—indicate:
    • At least two texts, one narrative and one expository/informational text
    • One or more technology-based tools to support literacy and content area instruction
    • Flexible grouping for effective instruction (Note: Flexible groups may change based on students’ interests, readiness, learning styles, multiple intelligences, etc.)
    • Plans for ongoing monitoring of student progress throughout the activity
    • Any other ideas to support the needs of academically diverse learners

Use this week’s Learning Resources and your peer-reviewed journal article to support your instructional planning decisions.

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