Academic Knowledge

Question 1

In academics, journal articles are critical tools for sharing research and ideas. However, academic knowledge doesn’t just affect academics, it affects everyone. Discoveries and theories made in labs and libraries directly influence daily life (medicines, economics, politics, etc). But before they get to the mainstream, they are shared within specific fields using very specific language and very specific formats. This Essay Couple is designed to help you find these discoveries, learn how to read them, and learn how to interpret and analyze how they are written.


For the In-Class essay, you will summarize the article and discuss what you consider to be the most important points and ideas.

Question 2

Watch Richard Wilkinson’s TED Talk, “How Economic Inequality Harms Societies,” in the Reading and Resources section for this module. As a researcher, Wilkinson believes that the common thread between many social problems is economic inequality. In your 250–500-word journal entry, address the following:

  • Describe the social variables and determinants that are impacted by economic inequality.
  • Where does the United States rank in terms of economic inequality and in terms of the prevalence of some of these issues?
  • Does any of this data surprise you? Do you agree with Wilkinson? Has your thinking changed since we discussed this briefly in Module Two?

Justify your answers with data from your reading and research. 

For additional details, please refer to the Module Eight Journal Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.

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