A Processor Leader

View the following three videos on the Leadership attached.

McKeown, L. (2012). Leaders as visionaries. [Video File].

McKeown, L. (2012). Leaders as processors. [Video File].

McKeown, L. (2012). Leaders as operators. [Video File]

Case Assignment

  1. Define and provide an example of a visionary leader, a processor leader, and an operator leader, backing your work with credible sources.
  2. Create a clear distinction between these three styles of leadership, weighing their similarities and differences.
  3. Provide an example of each type of leader (visionary, processor, operator) that you know from personal experience or through research of well-known leaders.
  4. Create a table that lists situations in which each of these styles may be useful.

Assignment Expectations

Write a 4- to 5-page paper (not counting the title page or reference section) covering all these topics, using proper APA formatting, source selection, and citation.

Reference/APA Citation for videos:

McKeown, Les. ( © 2012). Leaders as visionaries. [Books24x7 version].

McKeown, Les. ( © 2012). Leaders as processors. [Books24x7 version] .

McKeown, Les. ( © 2012). Leaders as operators

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