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Spirituality in nursing advocate the position that a patients quality of life, health, and sense of wholeness are affected by spirituality.” (Giddens 2017. Pg 39). This would be the non-religious definition, when talking about the religious sense; “…experience, attitudes, and belief regarding God, a sense of God, and the inner person.” (Giddens 2017. Pg 39). I do not find asking questions about religious preferences and spirituality as being uncomfortable. I think there are a lot of things you can learn about a person when talking about their religion and beliefs, it can give you a clear picture on what they want when it comes to care while being hospitalized as well as what they do not want, or things that they will not accept when it comes to life saving measures based on their beliefs. Someone with different beliefs than you can be a challenge to care for but ultimately we got into this career to care for others, regardless if we think the same or not. I always make myself aware of their views and am sure to create a treatment plan that addresses their beliefs. How I feel about their beliefs is put on the back burner, differences do not affect my patient care. Since I work in a psychiatric hospital we have a lot of people that cannot communicate like you and I, if someone has been off their medications and tried to commit suicide and that is their reason for coming to us. Regardless what my beliefs are on suicide, it is important to keep open communication and build a trusting relationship with the patient.

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