The business is a commercial cleaning company
Step 2: Executive Summary (not to exceed two pages)
- Company name, address, phone numbers
- Name (s), addresses of key people
- Brief description of the business, its products and services, the customer problem they solve, and the company’s competitive advantage.
- Brief overview of the market for your product or service
- Brief overview of the strategies that will make your company a success
- Brief description of the managerial and technical experience of the key players in the company
- Brief statement of the financial request and how the money will be used.
- Charts or tables of showing financial highlights
Step 8: Marketing Strategy
- Target Market
- Problem to be solved or benefit to be offered
- Demographic Profile
- Other significant customer characteristics
- Customer Motivation to buy
- Market size and trends
- How large is the market?
- Is it growing or shrinking? How fast?
- Sales force, size, and description of team
- Advertising and Promotion (media used, costs, frequency, publicity plans)
- Pricing
- Cost structure (fixed or variable)
- Desired image in the market
- Comparison against competitors prices
- Discounts
- Gross profit margin
- Distribution strategy (channels, sales techniques)