Question 1
Based on the readings and course materials for this module, write a paper at least 650 words in length that focuses on how individual differences influence the effectiveness of instructional strategies and how lessons can be designed in a way to meet the needs of different individuals. Include at least one peer-reviewed reference. Do not write in first person – do not use I, me, my, us, we, our, etc. Use the following outline and provide at least one example of a strategy that accommodates a person in each of the categories:
- Introduction (brief)
- Different health literacy levels
- Differing abilities (physical and/or learning challenges)
- Different cultural backgrounds
- Other factors that may influence the learning experience
- Conclusion (brief)
Question 2
Submit a paper detailing the negotiation and bargaining strategy you will employ during business negotiations with your chosen country. Justify this approach with supporting evidence from research on the country and on the international negotiations strategy. Include your reasoning for choosing this strategy, including supporting research from previous milestones. Explain how the strategy will be used and how it will increase the likelihood of a successful transaction. What is your BATNA in this particular negotiation? What is your negotiation strategy? How does the strength of your BATNA influence your approach to the negotiation?