Question 1
Review your textbook and the United States Department of Labor –Statistics website listed above and provide a summary of Key Labor Statistics influencing Human Resource Management (HRM). Select one statistic from that list. Then detail how the Human Resources Department within an organization is impacted by this statistic.
Youssef-Morgan, C. M., & Stark. E. (2014). Strategic human resource management:
- Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Resource Management
- Chapter 2 Strategic HR Planning
Question 2
(CHIPOTLE RESTUARANTS) You will use this organization in each weekly individual assignment throughout the course.
You have been promoted as Vice President in charge of knowledge management (KM) and intellectual capital (IC).
Prepare a 525- to 700-word summary on how you will contribute to the organization’s growth using knowledge management (KM) and intellectual capital (IC).
Explain the purpose of knowledge management (KM) and intellectual capital (IC) within the chosen organization.
Analyze how the chosen organization can use knowledge management (KM) and intellectual capital (IC) as a competitive tool.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Question 3
Please watch this video where Dan Pink presents important information about motivating people that would not include rewards — where higher incentives actually lead to poor performance, suggesting a mismatch between what science knows and what business does (18 minutes).
Give your summary
Lesson to be learned:
The lesson to be learned is the use of negative reinforcement in order to meet his objective. Ben Franklin was not satisfied with the lack of communication of the supervisors and engineers, so he gave a directive of early morning meetings at 6:30 a.m., before the regular shift started at 7:30 a.m. The staff was not happy with the meetings but after several weeks everyone showed up and the objective of open communication had been met. As the meetings prolonged for two weeks consistently, Ben encouraged the staff if the desired outcome continued satisfactory, “sunrise service” would soon come to an end. The author included this in the book because managers will use negative reinforcement all the time and not realize it. Within organizations, behavior can and will be controlled by managers with the use of negative reinforcement in order to produce a desired outcome.
How theory helps explain what is going on:
According to, negative reinforcement is defined as “when something unwanted that is already present is removed because a person’s action, and results in something favorable for that person. Thus the person is encouraged to keep repeating the action to get the favorable result”. Organizations use negative reinforcement as a motivating tool to get desired results out of unfavorable actions. In this case, Ben used “sunrise service” as a negative reinforcement in order to meet his desired outcome, which was to open the doors of communication as he and his team realized the project was not going so well. He decided to give a directive to supervisors and engineers for meetings at 6:30 a.m., an hour before their normal work day begins. Despite the fact that one of his staff made a comment of “if we can’t get those people together now, we certainly can’t get them together when we’re all half sleep”, Ben used his authority positive that he knew what he was doing. With the use of negative reinforcement, his objective was met. Other tactics that could have been used is a paid lunch break, with lunch provided, in order to meet the his objective.
What personal experiences relate:
A personal experience that is relates is the staff in one of our essential service departments. The department was having attendance issues, causing the staff to pull doubles or call in agency staff to fulfill shifts last minute. Management decided to put out a memo stating if the staff did not come in to work for any reason, disciplinary action would take place, no matter the excuse. This is a negative reinforcement as management directed an unfavorable action in order to meet the desired objective of attendance. In a situation like this, rather than pin pointing the attendance issues and trying to see what may be causing the attendance issues, management used negative reinforcement as a motivating factor. The management was satisfied with the outcome because attendance did improve, despite the fact of unhappy employees. In the case that management consulted with human resources, other tools could have been utilized to ensure attendance improved with happier employees.
Cherry, Kendra. (2018). How negative Reinforcement works.