- Take the publishing information from the following sources and place them in the proper MLA citation method format:
a. Book with one author:
- Book Title to kill a mockingbird
- Author harper lee
- Publisher lippincot
- Publishing place new york
- Date 1960
b. Article in a magazine:
- Magazine title canadian living
- Article title top 10 harvest foods
- Author frances berkoff
- Page(s) 88-89
- Date october 2007
- Next, take the same sources as above, but in APA formatting, also included in your text.
- Correctly cite the following in MLA:
Marion Hubert Henry is the author of the article — NASA Photographs and Maps Pluto: A Rugged Terrain of Potential Volcanos. It is found in Science Magazine and published January 14, 2015. The magazine publisher is Harpers Inc. and it is numbered as volume 12 and numbered 78. The article is found on pages 78-94. Place of publication is Chicago. (Use whatever information you need to cite correctly on a Works Cited Page.)
- If you cite information from an article online by an author named Benjamin Cardell, and there
is no pagination on this website, how would you give credit at the end of the sentence in a parenthetical citation? ( ).
5. Use the following excerpt of a paper to answer the questions below:
According to Edna Flatbush’s study (125) Sally Embelism was a famous tongue surgeon of the Oompa Loompa tribe of Central Snozangle. She is often compared with the famous tooth extractor, Barry Yeek, and the famous nose hair specialist, Robby Greenly (128). Dr. William Sneezer, however, concludes that, “This is an unjust comparison” (126) and defends Embelism’s right to be evaluated separately (176). Sneezer argues, “We have only just begun to understand (Embelism’s) effect on the science of tooth pain and the causal effect of the gum’s recession on the tongue” (125).
Embelism began her illustrious career as a dental hygienist under Barry Yeek in her mid-
twenties (Barton 87). She, “… detested working under the filthy conditions of his office … and
eventually left his employment” (Carter 28). From there, Embelism wandered searching for a new purpose in her life until she met Pete Danger on the Boardwalk at Atlantic City where the two met and fell in love (Bloom 30). Their “… love was short lived, however, due to Pete’s habit of drinking two bottles of whiskey right before the show then gulping fireballs for the crowds” (37). “It was an accident waiting to happen according to all of the couples’ friends” (Flatbush 56).
- Why does the parenthetical reference in line 1 include only the page number?
- Why is there a parenthetical reference with a page number in the middle of the material in line 4?
- Why are there ellipses “…” in line 11?
- Who wrote the words, “…love was short lived, however, due to Pete’s habit of drinking two bottles of whiskey right before the show then gulping fireballs for the crowds?”
- List all of the authors used as references in this paper.
- Why is Sneezer a good source to quote?
- Go to the following Web Page and correctly write how you would place the article (“8 Facts That Show Us Elephants Are People, Too”) on a Works Cited Page:
- Although the answer is not found in this article, answer the following question – YES or NO? Can elephants swim?
This writing exercise is testing your ability to SUMMARIZE. When writing a researched essay, you are taking information from an article — but you only want to summarize the author’s intent – NOT quote long portions of it. You want to cite the “gist” of the author’s point. However, you have to put the IDEAS of the author into YOUR OWN WORDS. That is what we term a “summary.”
Read the following article and write a short 1 paragraph SUMMARY (8-10 sentences) of its contents. Pretend that you are citing the article AS a reference in a paper on childhood education. You are arguing that lack of physical exercise CAN HAVE negative effects on children’s growth.
The best way to start your summary would be by saying:
According to Jessica Lahey’s article “Students Who Lose Recess Are the Ones Who Need It the most,” she claims that …………………………….
Students Who Lose Recess Are the Ones Who Need It Most
Despite overwhelming evidence that periods of unstructured play and social interaction are a crucial part of children’s cognitive, academic, physical and mental wellness, schools continue to take away recess privileges as a penalty for academic or behavioral transgressions. I’ve done it, many times. When students fail to hand in assignments or when a child acts up in class, I’ve taken their recess privileges hostage. I did it both as a way of punishing for bad behavior or as a way to carve out a few extra minutes of learning time in an otherwise packed day.
Unfortunately, I’m not alone. According to a Gallup poll commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 77 percent of school principals report that they withhold recess as punishment, even as they simultaneously sing the praises of recess as a factor in academic, cognitive, and social development. In that same report, eight in 10 principals acknowledge that time to play has a “positive impact on achievement,” and two-thirds of principals state that “students listen better after recess and are more focused in class.”
In response to this common disciplinary practice, as well as the overall declining rates and duration of recess in this country, the American Academy of Pediatrics recently issued a policy statement, “The Crucial Role of Recess,” to set the record straight and make recommendations to schools. Their stance is unequivocal: “recess offers cognitive, social, emotional, and physical benefits that may not be fully
appreciated when a decision is made to diminish it.” In other words, schools should keep recess on the schedule, and teachers like me shouldn’t take it away.
The physical benefits of recess to all students, particularly the 17 percent of American children who are classified as obese, are clear. In our increasingly sedentary society, it can be a challenge to ensure that children get the recommended 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day, and recess can help bridge that gap.
Recess also plays an important role in the ability to maintain self-control during class time. Self-control is not an unlimited resource, and by the time unstructured play rolls around, most children have depleted their reserves. They have had to resist the temptation to wiggle, eat the piece of cookie someone left on the carpet or talk to their friends in favor of focusing on math facts.
Recess provides an opportunity to refill children’s reserves of self-control through play and expression that’s free from structure, rules, and rigorous cognitive tasks. The pediatrics academy explains: “Optimal cognitive processing in a child necessitates a period of interruption after a period of concentrated instruction. The benefits of these interruptions are best served by unstructured breaks rather than by
merely shifting from one cognitive task to another.” Several studies have found that students who enjoy the benefit of recess are more attentive, more productive and better able to learn when they return to the classroom from a period of free play.
Memory is also enhanced by breaks, because cognitive rest after learning new material allows that material to be retained for longer periods of time. For optimal cognitive processing and memory consolidation, therefore, children need a period of unstructured free time, even if it is simply in the form of socializing or daydreaming.
Finally, recess helps young children develop social skills, such as negotiation, social dynamics, and the use of subtle verbal and non-verbal communication cues. As our children’s schedules become more
regimented and structured, and free-play time retreats indoors in favor of video games over kick the can and stickball, recess is the only opportunity many children have to learn these skills.
When I asked Michele Borba, an educational psychologist and former teacher, about the implications of withholding students’ recreational time, she was adamant in her support of recess as an essential educational activity. “The highest correlation to school success is a kid sitting in a seat, focused and eager to learn, but kids who lose recess lose that, and a lot more.” According to Ms. Borba, students who are kept in at recess stand to lose:
- Brain power. Instead of being refreshed and ready to learn, they are brain-drained, as they have lost out on the opportunity to regain the energy needed for focus.
- Connection with peers. Not only does the benched kid gain a reputation of being a “bad kid,” they lose out on the opportunities to practice social skills, make new friends and strengthen existing friendships.
- Relationship with teachers. When a teacher holds a student out of recess, she undermines her relationship with that student. Consequently, student will tune that teacher out just when she should be tuning in and learning.