Based on the reading assignment this week,
respond to the two of the three following questions:
1. In your opinion; what are the pros and cons of globalization?
2. How has the economic downturn impacted trends in protectionism and nationalism?
3. What is the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in global
Altuntas, C., & Turker, D. (2015). Local or global. International Marketing
Review, 32(5), 540-575.
Curtis, M. (2015). Discussion of “ethical climate, social responsibility
and earnings management”. Journal of Business Ethics, 126(1), 61-63.
Hackert, A. M., Krumwiede, D., Tokle, J., & Vokurka, R. J. (2012). Global
corporate social responsibility practices and cultural dimensions.
S.A.M.Advanced Management Journal, 77(4), 33-41,2.
Mar Miras-Rodríguez, M., Carrasco-Gallego, A., & Escobar-Pérez, B. (2015).
Are Socially Responsible Behaviors Paid Off Equally? A Cross-cultural Analysis.
Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management, 22(4), 237-256.
Osuji, O. K. (2015). Corporate social responsibility, juridification and
globalisation: ‘inventive interventionism’ for a ‘paradox’. International
Journal of Law in Context, 11(3), 265-298.
If you are unfamiliar with using a library database, the readings can be found
here after searching by course number.
What is the purpose of a forum?
Think of the forum as a classroom experience where you “meet” with your
instructor and peers to discuss the weekly topic in terms of the readings,
assignments and resources that have been assigned. The desired outcome is that
you are able to (1) collaborate with peers and the instructor, (2) demonstrate
your understanding of the material, and (3) participate as a member of an online
What are the responsibilities of the instructor?
The instructor’s goal is to create an engaging and safe environment for
students to learn. In addition, instructors should pose questions promoting
deeper thought as well as encourage students to interact with their peers in
the classroom. There should be an active instructor presence throughout the
What are the responsibilities of the student?