Eating Disorder Case

The purpose of this case study is to give you experience in applying course material to “real-life” situations and to examine issues relating to Health Psychology principles.

The case study will require at least 300 word analysis, and must be typed and double spaced.  Refer to Eating Disorder Case Study for details.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Submit the assignment according to the directions provided by the instructor.

Carrie is a 17-year-old female who strongly identifies with the dominant culture. She loves fashion magazines and clothes. Since turning 15 Carrie has noticed that it is harder and harder for her to lose weight. She spends many hours per day thinking about losing weight and looks in the mirror at least 20 times per day. Carrie’s family is often negative and she feels she has few close friends. Carrie’s classmates describe her as very socially unskilled. She often crash diets, but ultimately ends up overeating and then feeling guilty. This guilt often causes her to exhibit a depressed and/or angry mood. Her doctor says she is of normal weight, but she has a fear of gaining weight.

1)      What (if any) eating disorder is Carrie at risk for developing and what factors might be contributing?

2)      What symptoms should her family/doctor look for that she has developed an eating disorder?

3)      If she develops this eating disorder, what treatments might be effective in treating it?

Remember to USE and DEFINE class terms in your answer (you may use information from lecture, the text, or outside resources).

Case studies should be in 12 point Times New Roman font and should be double-spaced. No title page or reference section is necessary.

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