Question 1
Please read the essay, “Navigating Genres” by Kerry Dirk, and post your responses to the discussion prompt before the deadline listed in the course calendar.
In a fully developed short essay (minimum of eight paragraphs in length), please answer all of the questions below and post your essay to the discussion forum. Your work should include an introduction, a body of supporting evidence, and a conclusion.
Questions for Analysis:
1) What is Dirk saying about the nature of rhetorical genres? Cite the essay specifically in formulating your answer.
2) Which genres do you follow most closely? Using at least two different genres, cite some specific examples from these genres and comment on their rhetorical features. What are the hallmarks of these communication types?
3) What, in your view, are the important components of the advertising genre? What about the contemporary speech or verbal address?
Where applicable, feel free to use hyperlinks to connect your essay to a resource or two in support of your answers.
Question 2
write a ten page paper of the impact of catholicism religion on gender behavior. Find ten current journal articles and religion as references. The citation must be APA form in single space.