Television Commercial

Question 1

Journal Entry Instructions –This is a Social Impact ongoing Activity. You will write several short Journal entries (see dates in syllabus) based on an individual with a mental health or a substance abuse problem. Informal writing in journals. You can write about a fictional person or someone you know –or yourself- change names.

This will be an ongoing journal assignment which involves the story about the impact of their problem as it relates to how it affects the individual, their relationships, their family, the community, and society at large. At least – 1 page required for each journal entry. Include examples. Informal writing. Parts of these entries can be incorporated into your Case Study Essay paper if you like.

Label your Journal Entry

Journal Entry #1 The Problem– Write about the individual and their problem with mental health or substance abuse. Include the symptoms and diagnosis of their problem. And the problem is ( depression)

Question 2

1st page, write a page (double space) length journal about an ad (any type of an ad) analyzing the persuasion technique used in the ad. For example, you could pick a TV commercial using a comparative advertising (one of the persuasion techniques) and talk about how the brand utilize the technique.

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