Talent Pool


“Self-Assessment Surveys and Development of Leadership Talent”  

Please respond to the following:Debate the usefulness of self-assessment surveys to determine employees with high potential within the organization. Create a list of five (5) critical areas in which high-potential candidates would assess themselves to be included in the talent pool for promotion and discuss how you would use the assessment.

Leadership talent is an organization-wide goal. Discuss how the responsibilities of the development of leadership talent should be partitioned among Human Resources staff and line managers. 

Be sure to address both the identification and development of future leadership


Unions and HR Management Challenges

“Unionization has been on a relatively slow yet steady decline. 

Given the change in the workforce dynamics, speculate what segment(s) or types of employees would likely gravitate toward unionization in the current market. Scale the top three (3) reasons for this.

 Discuss what this means to you as an organizational leader and what you would do with this information.

Predict two (2) challenges that HR management may face in the future. Suggest one (1) strategy that HR management could use to mitigate these challenges into a competitive advantage for a company

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