Question 1
For your WCDB for Units 27 and 28, drawing from these units, you will be interviewing a friend or roommate or fellow classmate or parent or neighbor or co-worker about these issues concerning exercise and nutrition:
- How can you both get more exercise into your life? What areas of your schedules can you change so that you can create the time to exercise?
- You have learned your target heart range and the importance of this, now explain this to your friend. They did not know their optimal target heart rate, did they? Discuss the relationship between being in your THR during activities and the amount of calories burned.
- Discuss one nutritional habit you can make/change to help support a more productive exercise or performance session.
If you are an athlete, pick a fellow athlete to “interview.” This way you can talk about areas in sport nutrition that will help you both perform at an optimal level. Perhaps discuss carb loading or recovery proteins.
Write a paragraph summarizing your interview under the Whole Class Discussions Tab. Say who you interviewed in your summary. Given your Unit readings, what is one nutritional habit you can make/change to help support a more productive exercise or performance session?
Question 2
Discuss the role of nutrition on disease risk. In particular, discuss your own DA as it influences your health. What did you learn from your own assessments—DA and BMR for example from the readings and the links.