Sore Muscles


During an assessment the FNP uses the profile sign to detect 

a. Pitting edema. 

b. Early clubbing. 

c. Symmetry of the fingers. 

d. Insufficient capillary refill. 


Which of these statements describes the closure of the valves in a normal cardiac cycle? 

a. The aortic valve closes slightly before the tricuspid valve. 

b. The pulmonic valve closes slightly before the aortic valve. 

c. The tricuspid valve closes slightly later than the mitral valve. 

d. Both the tricuspid and pulmonic valves close at the same time. 


When performing a peripheral vascular assessment on a patient the FNP is unable to palpate the ulnar pulses. The patient skin is warm and capillary refill is normal. The FNP should next 

a. check for the presence of claudication. 

b. refer the individual for further evaluation. 

c. consider this a normal finding and proceed with the peripheral vascular evaluation. 

d. ask the patient if he or she has experienced any unusual cramping or tingling in the arm. 


A 67-year-old patient states that he “recently began have pain in his left calf when climbing the 10 stairs to his apartment”. This pain is relieved by sitting for about two minutes then he’s able to resume activities. The FNP interprets this patient is most likely experiencing 

a. Claudication.

b. Sore muscles. 

c. Muscle cramps. 

d. Venous insufficiency. 

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