Question 1
For this module’s discussion, consider training programs you have experienced or have knowledge of – either at a current or former job or a school experience.
- What types of materials were used – outline, manual, presentation? What types of activities were done – case scenarios, group discussions, role playing, etc.?
- If this was classroom training, did the classroom experience lend or hamper the learning experience? If this was on-the-job training, did the hand-on experience help or hamper the learning process?
- If you could improve upon the design of the training program what would you recommend?
Question 2
This is a 6-7 page paper that is double spaced in which you use 3 quality academic resources to answer several questions regarding a human resource training class.
(1) Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company’s proposed employee customer training session. Stress 5 ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies.
(2) Determine a customer service training plan and determine the method of training. (presentation, discussion, case study, discovery, role play, etc)
(3) Justify why you selected the training method you did.
(4) Prepare two ways to motivate an employee who has no interest in attending a training class.