Revelation Centers

In 3-4 pages, answer ONE and ONLY ONE of the following questions:

1. Is what Jesus asks of his followers in the Sermon on the Mount unreasonable? Why or why not?

2. Pick one parable or multiple parables from your reading and explain how it/they speak(s) or relate(s) to God’s kingdom.

3. What are the works of God that are accomplished in Jesus’ healing the man born blind in John 9?

You must use 12 point, Times New Roman font. The body of the paper should be double spaced. The header should be singled spaced at the top left hand side of the paper. It should include in this order in the first four lines of the document your full name, Instructor, Course Name, and the due date. The paper should also have a title that is in the center of the page after the header. The margins should be 1 inch. The rubric I use to grade the assignments is posted in the Course Documents section of blackboard.

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Course materials:

Catholic Study Bible,3rd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. (Note: if you do not

have this exact bible, please ensure that you have a copy of the New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) translation.)

Course description:

The course develops an understanding of and engagement with revelation, as understood in Vatican II’s Dei Verbum, through scripture and the historical unfolding of the tradition. This understanding of revelation centers on and draws its rationale from the person and work of Jesus Christ.

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