In the journal you will write observations and reflections on your reading in Connecting California. Please focus on a few documents. When you mention a document you read, please put the title of the document in bold (or a few words from the title). You may also comment on parts of our main textbook that you see as related.
Examine each document critically, and consider how it adds to our understanding of the history. You may also write your own reflections on what you are learning.
Suggested Journal Prompts (these are just suggestions):
- What did you learn from the documents in this section? What did you find surprising? How does the material in this chapter relate to what you learned earlier, perhaps in other classes?
- What events do you see here that have shaped the world we live in today?
- If you did a movie set in the time period of this section, what would be the key elements in your movie? Tell how you imagine the characters, and what challenges they would deal with.
- How might we understand the history differently from someone living in the time period?
- How do the documents help you understand the era? What are some important factors to consider when looking at these documents?