Pseudo Code

You are required to design a program for Health Club Membership. The program requires user to input the members category (Adult or Senior Citizen), duration of the membership and number of installment months. The user can get 20% discount if duration of the membership is equal to 24 months or more, and monthly installment is allowed if the duration of membership is at least 12 months. This program must be able to calculate and display total of the fees and monthly installment. The input process must be repeated until user choose to exit from the program. Table 1 shows the rate of the respective members category.

Table 1 – Rate per month for Membership

Members categoryRate (RM) per month
Senior Citizen20

The sample input and output of the program is displayed as follow:

Health Club Membership Menu

  1. Adult Membership
  2. Senior Citizen Membership
  3. Exit

Enter your choice: 1

Enter duration of membership: 12

Enter number of installment months: 6

The total fees are RM 600

Month     Installment     Balance

1                 100                      500

2                 100                      400

3                 100                      300

4                 100                      200

5                 100                      100

6                 100                       0

Health Club Membership Menu

  1. Adult Membership
  2. Senior Citizen Membership
  3. Exit

Enter your choice: 2

Enter duration of membership: 26

Enter number of installment months: 4

The total fees are RM 416

Month     Installment     Balance

1               104                 312

2               104                 208

3               104                 104

4               104                 0

Health Club Membership Menu

  1. Adult Membership
  2. Senior Citizen Membership
  3. Exit

Enter your choice: 3

Good bye.

Based on the above programming problem:

  1. Analyse the problem to identify required items to be used in designing algorithm
  2. Write an algorithm in a pseudo code
  3. Draw a flowchart based on the pseudo code
  4. Produce a tracing table to show the projected values

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