Policy Option

Unit 5: Assignment Using concepts related to external competitiveness, write a 2-3 page paper that provides pay recommendations for a manager’s position in the organization that you have chosen for your final paper. Apply appropriate pay concepts to determine the pay for a managerial position. Be sure to address the following questions in your paper: 1. What policy regarding external competitiveness would you advise? List the options and the pros and cons of each policy option. Offer the rationale for your recommendation. 2. What forms of pay and in what percentages would you recommend? Again, offer your rationales. 3. Consider the theories and research presented in this chapter. Which ones did you useto support your recommendation? To successfully complete the paper, the following are the minimum requirements:  Complete a 2-3 page paper in APA format: 12 point font, double-spaced, indented paragraphs, citations, reference list, etc.  Include introductory and summary paragraphs  Limit the use of direct quotations – instead, paraphrase and cite the author’s work. Reinforce your personal opinions with at least two credible or scholarly research articles (not to exceed 20% of content)  Demonstrate your understanding of the weekly objective(s) through your response.



This is usually on paragraph. The easiest way to explain this section is to think of it like a brief overview of what to expect from your answers below regarding your questions about the organization you have choose to write about. The introductory paragraph is designed to set up the rest of the paper by offering your reader a glimpse of what is to come. The goal here is to grab your reader’s attention and make him/her want to read the rest of the paper.

What policy regarding external competitiveness would you advise? List the options and the pros and cons of each policy option. Offer the rationale for your recommendation.

Answer to question #1 with supporting arguments-minimum one paragraph. Your response should be written in your own words, using your own thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Include information from the chapter reading assignment and the case study to help support your points. Be sure to let your reader know where you got your supporting information by including a citation afterward.

What forms of pay and in what percentages would you recommend? Again, offer your rationales.

Answer to question #2 with supporting arguments-minimum one paragraph. Your response should be written in your own words, using your own thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Include information from the chapter reading assignment and the case study to help support your points. Be sure to let your reader know where you got your supporting information by including a citation afterward.

Consider the theories and research presented in this chapter. Which ones did you use to support your recommendation?

Answer to question #3 with supporting arguments-minimum one paragraph. Your response should be written in your own words, using your own thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Include information from the chapter reading assignment and the case study to help support your points. Be sure to let your reader know where you got your supporting information by including a citation afterward.


This is generally one paragraph. The easiest way to explain this section is to think of it like a closure for the topics you discussed in your paper. The concluding paragraph is designed to wrap up the paper by offering your reader a review of what he/she just read. The goal here is to summarize your own responses to the case study questions, while at the same time providing your reader with some points to ponder after reading the paper.


2 APA references are required and make sure you have at least one in-text citation to match it (do not include this note in your paper).

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