Question 1
Choose one state and one non-state actor and explain how each impacts geopolitics and globalization.
Research at least five peer-reviewed articles from academic journals, government sources, or research institutions (e.g. Rand) to form your findings.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper to include the following:
- Identify the global challenges related to geopolitical influence
- Compare similarities and differences of the influences based on your research
- Determine the unique security considerations influencing globalization
- Need an intro and conclusion
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Question 2
You want to ensure your personal computer is set to save data on a daily basis. Using OneDrive® configure a personal computer to save and maintain data.
Configure backup settings as described below, taking screenshots to demonstrate your knowledge:
- Schedule a daily backup to an external physical storage device.
- Schedule a weekly backup to Microsoft® OneDrive®.
Paste screenshots into a Microsoft® Word document to demonstrate you applied appropriate configurations and that definitions are current.