Please read the Position Paper of the AND posted on Canvas. Answer the following questions and follow the instructions below about the format of the assignment. You must work individually on this project but are allowed to supplement your reading of the position paper with information from other professional resources which you will list on the References page. You may not consult with anyone else as you complete the project.
Page 1: Title page with your name and the signed and dated academic integrity statement.
Page 2: Answer the questions listed below, related to the Position Paper, on one page. Answers must be typed with 11 or 12 pt Times New Roman font, single spaced, with 1-inch margins.
Page 3: List the references you used for this assignment. You should have at least one reference listed (the position paper), and also any other web sites, class material, or other resources you used to complete this assignment.
1.Describe the main topics of the position paper and highlight the purpose of this position paper. (3 points)
2.Explain 3 key resources available through federal food and nutrition assistance program, what the resources provide, and specific requirements for who is eligible to obtain this assistance. (6 points)
3.Provide an overview of the conclusions made in the position statement about the role of nutrition assistance programs and nutrition services for successful aging.(1 point)