The purpose of this final paper is to demonstrate mastery of the course material by applying models of intervention to a case and to show critical thinking by comparing and contrasting the varied strengths and limitations of the methods learned in this class.
For this paper, you will be assigned:
- A presenting problem and diagnosis,
- Basic demographic characteristics, and
- Two of the major treatment methods studied in class.
The paper consists of three (3) sections.
Section I: Intake & Social History (3 pages) (Use this heading) (Narrative format) (If it does NOT apply do not write about it)
This section consists of developing a case example for your client by developing and elaborating upon the client’s problem or chief concern, strengths, diagnosis, history, and demographics. You will be required to supply additional information about the case. Items A-Q are areas that can be included, but not all areas are required. You should include sufficient detail to demonstrate that the case meets the symptom criteria for the assigned diagnosis. You should also provide material that enables you to apply more than one model to the case scenario. This is not in a particular order and should be organized to fit your particular case.
Name: Alexis
Age: 19 year old female
Diagnosis: OCD
Presenting to Outpatient mental health clinic with her mother
- Referral information: (source of referral; reason for contact, including challenges faced and previous attempts to resolve; other professional or indigenous helpers currently involved)
- Presenting problems: (client’s chief complaint, description with onset and duration include specific systems and recent stresses):
- Individual functioning: (developmental status and developmental milestones; current physical, cognitive, emotional, psychological, and interpersonal capabilities, areas of need)
- Cultural functioning: (race/ethnicity; primary language and languages spoken; significance of cultural identity, cultural strengths, experiences of discrimination or oppression)
- Family information: (names, ages, involvement with client, including spouse/partner, parents, siblings, children, and extended family members)
- Family functioning: (extent of support, family perspective on client, client perspective on family, and relevant family issues)
- Education: (dates, places, and years of education completed; accomplishments, degrees, and credentials)
- Employment: (current job, type of work, lengths of employment, previous experience, skills, and special training)
- Legal: (current/past history, juvenile and/or adult, past/current/pending charges, trial dates, current or past probation/parole, incarceration – number of times, shortest and longest time spent incarcerated; county/state/federal systems, civil/criminal/custody cases)
- Military service / connection: (military experience, combat experience, where, branch, drafted/enlisted – date, type of discharge, date of discharge, family impact)
- Nodal events: (client’s response to deaths of significant others, serious losses or traumas, significant life achievements, other events, etc.)
- Physical environment: (housing situation, financial stability, transportation resources, neighborhood)
- Religion and/or spirituality: (meaningful practices, world view / spiritual perspective, denomination, church membership, extent of involvement, special observances)
- Social activities: (peer groups, interests, clubs/organizations, preferred recreation, travels)
- Strengths: (personal, familial, and environmental woven through the case)
- Support network: (natural and professional with significant relationships—names and nature of involvement)
- Medical history: (birth information, illnesses/accidents/surgery, medications used, family medical and genetic issues, physical limitations, diet)
- Mental health, psychiatric, and substance use, current & historical: (experience of disorders and treatment, current symptoms, substance use, MSE; include family history)
Section II: Models of Intervention (4 pages) (Use this heading)
Describe clearly and precisely how you would intervene with the client that you just created using one of the two assigned methods assigned. Limit it to 2-3 pages. Then, do it again with the second assigned method, also in 2-3 pages. Select only one of the three options for that methodology (psychodynamic, behavior theory, and systems theory). For example, if you are assigned psychodynamic as your intervention method, select ego psychology, object relations, or interpersonal psychotherapy. Be sure to reference all the points in the helping process (engagement, assessment, planning, intervention, evaluation, and termination) as they pertain to that model and client. Do not write much on planning as you will provide one goal for one of the two models later in the paper. This section should contain citations to source material that indicates that you are making evidence-based, reasoned, clinical choices. Tell me how to practice in that model and show me how it applies to your specific client system.
Section III: Clinical Critique (3 pages) (Use this heading)
Compare and contrast your assessment of the relative strengths and limitations of the two models you just discussed. Base this discussion in evidence and cite accordingly. Then provide a “best fit” theoretical approach and defend the choice. Include a treatment goal and at least 3 objectives for your best fit approach. Briefly discuss how you would measure/evaluate your practice for this client and any barriers to a successful outcome that you might need to consider. Cite sources to demonstrate that these are not personal opinions but reasoned, evidence-informed clinical choices. Again there should be some theory and some connection to the specific client you developed.
Grading Considerations:
- Integration
of class readings and class discussions to the case analysis (evidenced by
using citations of concepts) and application of theory to practice situations.
- Accurate and appropriate multi-system level assessment of the individual and/or family
- Attention to issues relevant to diverse and vulnerable populations
- Attention to issues related to values and ethics
- Organization and professional writing (APA writing style is required; see syllabus)
- This is not a research paper even though you should cite sources. Only sources assigned for this class, other classes, or found in the CourseWeb for this class should be used.