1. Create a OneDrive folder for the three artifacts you will create in the following steps. Your folder will be shared with me and a link provided in Blackboard through the assignment submission link. Your folder should be named LastNameFirstInitialLesson3HW. Example: If your name is John Smith, your folder will be named “SmithJLesson3HW”.
2. Create a Word document that gives thorough information covering the following topics. You must implement formatting and other methods from your textbook readings and when you completed the tutorials.
a. Describe and give examples of specialized applications, such as graphics, web authoring, and video game development programs.
b. Differentiate between system software and application software.
c. The four types of system software programs.
3. Create an Excel spreadsheet that shows a comparison of office suites, cloud suites, specialized suites, and utility suites. Include actual suites, information about their capabilities, how they compare to each other, and the cost to the consumer. Consider the examples at the following links but DO NOT replicate any of these examples! You must implement formatting and other methods learned from your textbook readings and when you completed the tutorials.
create a PowerPoint presentation that gives thorough information covering the following topics. Each topic should have no more than two slides. You must implement formatting and other methods learned from your textbook readings the tutorials from above.
a. The basic functions, features, and categories of operating systems.
b. Comparison of mobile operating systems, including iOS, Android, and Windows 10 Mobile.
c. Comparison of desktop operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS, UNIX, Linux, and virtualization.
d. The purpose of utilities and utility suites. e. The five most essential utilities.
Submit 1. Blocks of copied text from any source are unacceptable. 2. Create a shared link to your folder in OneDrive. 3. Paste the link to your OneDrive folder into the submission link for Lesson 3 Homework in Blackboard