Management Goal


Your Talent Management Model and Talent Development”  

Please respond to the following:

Several models and components of talent management are presented in Chapter 1 of the Silzer and Dowell textbook. Chapter 1 attached

Using these as a foundation, create your own talent management model, including its components and the evaluation methods that would demonstrate that this model is effective in your organization.

Describe three (3) effective ways to develop talent within your current or former organization and how they would support the organization’s goals. 

List each organizational goal and whose responsibility it might be to develop the talent associated with that goal.


American Disability Act (ADA) and Job Analysis”

Go to the U.S. Department of Justice’s Website to read the article titled “ADA: Know Your Rights – Returning Service Members with Disabilities.  ”

Develop an outline to educate your management team to recognize returning service members who may be showing signs of PTSD, as well as steps that could be taken to help them transition back into the workforce.

Analyze the position you currently hold (or would like to have after graduation). Determine the major actions that you would take in order to execute a job design for that position. Provide a rationale for your response.

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