Honore Daumier, Rue Transnonian

10 pages (2500 words) of text (excluding bibliography, and addenda for illustrations) typed and double-spaced with 1-inch margins, 12-point font (i.e. New Times Roman) or a font no smaller than what’s on this page. •
This well-written research essay should be on a subject relevant to the class content (weekly slides, readings, or referenced in the bibliography). The topic chosen should not be too general in scope. It should focus on a subject, which allows the student to cover the material in a succinct manner given the short format. This can be a series of works by one artist, an aspect of a movement, an interesting phenomenon common to a group of works.
The student must keep the professor informed as to the progress of the research paper and is required to submit a preliminary outline and bibliography before reading week. The professor will refuse to mark any research paper that is not relevant to course content, that is to say 19th Century Art History.
The subject should be grounded in ART HISTORY and should be within the time-frame covered by the class, that is to say, the long 19th Century 1789-1900. You can use comparative elements from other time periods but keep these passages short, the major portion of the paper should be rooted in the 19th century and should focus on visual artworks of the period.
Please refer to the critical tools, issues, theorists, writers, and approaches addressed in class and/or in the required readings. The bibliography (or list of works cited) should have ten (10) scholarly sources (such as journal articles or exhibition catalogues), and refer to the required readings. There should be a minimum of ten texts cited. Web-sources should be scholarly in nature.

The text should be well-edited and composed: with an introduction including thesis statement with clear indication of author, topic, analysis of the artwork(s), statement of your own point of view, and conclusion.

• Correct scholarly format necessary for citations (footnotes and bibliography). Students should work with the Chicago Style Guide, available
in bookstores, on the web, and in the reference section of the library.
Refer to information regarding Assignment I. See didactic documents on Brightspace.

• WEB SOURCES Only scholarly journal articles available on the U. of Ottawa database, i.e. JStor or Sage are fine.
Best sources are Artists, Art Critics and Writers of the era, Art Historians and Curators specializing in this period. You will find relevant texts in Art Journals, Catalogues and Books focusing on this period. Museum websites can be helpful in directing to other sources on specific artists.

• Illustrations necessary. Paper copies only, no e-mail submissions without the professor’s permission. Late papers downgraded 5% per day.

Please refer to the SASS (Student Academic Success) website, where you will find three style guides. Choose Chicago Manual of Style Guide. You will find other useful information on how to improve your writing skills with helpful suggestions regarding grammar and punctuation.
Finally, you will also find clear examples of what constitutes plagiarism on the SASS site: https://sass.uottawa.ca/en/writing/resources

• Please make sure that you have given your sources for any information concerning the artists, movements or works discussed, whether these are direct citations or not. Papers lacking proper sources will not be accepted as that is a form of plagiarism.

• Please make sure that you define and/or explain specialized terms throughout your paper.

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