In this first week of
class we will discuss the history, causation, incidence, and prevalence of
diseases. We will trace where specific diseases have been and are at the
present time. Each student will choose a specific disease to focus on for this
week’s discussion. To make your choice, click into Choose a Topic for
Week 1 DQ,
at the bottom of this Week 1 module. Each disease can be chosen only once. You
will look into the history and current status of this disease, checking
reliable websites (not Wikipedia), the World Health Organization, Centers for
Disease Control, and other scholarly sites. Then, proceed onto examining
causation of disease. Chapters 14 & 16 in Gordis (2014) discusses the
epidemiological process of linking causes to disease, starting with
association, and progressing to causation. We will conclude with looking at the
incidence and prevalence of each disease
With these thoughts in
mind, for this week,
1. Share with your
- Discuss your disease condition: its historical background, current status, and incidence/prevalence at a local, state, national, and global level.
- Apply a minimum of 2 epidemiological principles that are discussed in chapters 1-3 in Gordis (2014), chapters 1 & 2 that relate to the journey of the disease through time. Has there been a change in the disease incidence and prevalence over a period of time and why?
- What is the community and global impact of the disease?
- What environmental, genetic, social, physical, psychological, or other factors have a causal disease association and why?
- What public health measures have been taken to reduce the prevalence of the disease?