Evaluation and Analysis

Identify another journal article related to your criminal justice policy issue for the literature review of your final paper and prepare a summary of the journal article for presentation to the class. This week, you are presenting a presentation of the journal article to the class via this discussion. In Week 5, you will submit your formal journal article review, with your summation of the discussion from Week 4.

Presentation to the Class
You must present your Criminal Justice Policy Issue to the class. You may attach a PowerPoint presentation or a summary in the traditional discussion forum format.  Your presentation must include:

  • A title page formatted according to APA style .(essentially the title page for your paper).
  • A brief description of your Final Paper and how the journal article will support your research.
  • An explanation of the basic premises of the author.
  • A summary of the journal article you chose in Week 3.
  • An examination of the recommendations of the author.
  • A determination of the effects of the author’s recommendations on the criminal justice system and current policy.
  • Your assessment of the journal article. (This is the main focus of your presentation. Include in-text citations for all of the references used to evaluate and analyze the journal article; include a citation of the article itself.)
  • The effect the author’s recommendations have on social justice, based on your analysis.
  • A references page formatted according to APA style. Include the APA-formatted reference entry for the selected journal article, as well as any additional references you used in your evaluation and analysis.

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