Employment Websites

Question 1

Imagine you have completed your bachelor’s degree at Strayer and you are searching for a job in finance, accounting or business. Using various employment websites (i.e. Monster.com, Indeed.com, USAjobs.gov) find three (3) careers in finance that you are interested in applying to. Be sure to specifically address why you are interested in the career, what qualifications you have or may need to get this position, and where do you see yourself in this career long-term. Be sure to cite the website where you found each career. This is NOT APA just a discussion with 3 references for 3 career listings, and min. of 200 words.

Question 2

Overview for a bank regulation – Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act, business and finance

Need to cover:

Description of what this Act is What did it cover

Why did we need it What was the motivation of passing this regulation Why was it necessary

Impact on the Banking industry

Did we repeal it

At least one and half page, double-spaced

please Cite the references that you use in APA format

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