Description and Critique of Scholarly Literature

The highlighted areas are the ones to be completed (Note that some sections already have some information in it just add to it and complete it) and I’ll list them bellow:

            2-B. Description and Critique of Scholarly Literature

(Each major theoretical discourse, conceptual discussion, and empirical study should be described and critiqued briefly. Both the strengths and weaknesses should be identified. For theoretical discourses, indicate the source of the theory, overlaps and disparities with other applicable theories, and whether and how well the theory has been empirically verified. It is important to note that a scholarly review of the literature should focus on primary sources such as refereed journal articles rather than secondary sources such as course textbooks. Avoid creating a biased review that only covers prior literature that supports
your predispositions and disregards other literature. Similarly, you should consistently critique the literature. Do not ignore weaknesses in studies supporting your predispositions and do not be hypercritical of studies that contradict your predispositions. Failure to conduct a fair-minded review is likely to compromise your research.)

                        2-B1. Obesity in the Midwest and amongst healthcare workers

2-B2. Background of wellness programs

            2-C. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

(The problem and research questions, hypotheses, foreshadowed problems, or conjectures were explained above under Chapter 1, but the “theoretical framework” or “conceptual framework” has not yet been explained. These are a theory or set of interrelated constructs that provide perspective or “lens” through which the research problem is viewed and through which the choices about the research will be made. They help narrow down and focus the research. Note that a theoretical or conceptual framework works like a telescope or microscope, and thus it both enhances what you can see and also restricts your breadth of vision. For that reason, a conceptual framework should be used judiciously to help inform your study rather than to dictate all aspects of it. Sometimes important breakthroughs occur when a researcher abandons the commonly-used conceptual framework and applies one never before used with a given problem.)

(Quantitative Research :The conceptual framework explains the key constructs studied and presumed relationships among them. It often has implications for the sub-populations studied, the variables measured, and the data analysis techniques that are used.
One example of a conceptual framework is that of human capital, which views individuals and companies as inclined to invest in education and training to enhance productive capabilities and earnings, much like they would invest in new machinery. )

Chapter 3: Methods

(The methods are the procedures used to acquire empirical evidence and analyze it for purposes of answering research questions, testing hypotheses, and examining foreshadowed problems, following up on conjectures, and going forward from exploratory questions. The choice of methodology should be made in light of the literature review and with careful deliberation. Small oversights can sometimes undermine a long and difficult study. Your committee will help you think through the appropriateness of proposed methods and will probably suggest some refinements.)

            3-A. Introduction:

 Briefly re-introduce the problem and provide an overview of the methodological approach.

            3-C. Design

            3-D. Predictor and Criterion Variables

            3-E. Procedures

            3-F. Statistical Analyses

            3-G. Methodological Limitations

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