Data and Testing

Question 1


Write a 400- word Methods and Conclusions section of your team research proposal. Include a detailed description of how you would go about collecting data and testing the hypothesis.

Although you are not required to develop a new or original method, it is recommended that you review journal articles to determine what methods are standard to test a hypothesis similar to the one(s) outline in your proposal. Be sure to include the following:


  • Describe the general methodology you chose for your study, in order to test your hypotheses.
  • Explain why this method is the best for your purposes.
  • Participants: Who would you test and why?
  • Describe the sample you would test, and explain why you chose this sample.
  • Significance and Conclusion
    • Discuss, in general, how your proposed research would lead to a significant improvement over the original studies, and how it would benefit the field
    • Include at least 3 peer-reviewed references.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
    • NO PLAGIARISM, include title page, reference page, in text citations, proper grammar, please follow directions as listed above on the word count and include 3 references!

Question 2

discuss 3 Nursing care and referral for patients and families of domestic violence.

discuss 4 Teaching topics important to the patient and the families of domestic violence.ONE PAGE.

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