Continuous Variable

In your Week 2 Assignment, you displayed data based on a categorical variable and continuous variable from a specific dataset. In Week 3, you used the same variables as in Week 2 to perform a descriptive analysis of the data. For this Assignment, you will calculate a confidence interval in SPSS for one of the variables from your Week 2 and Week 3 Assignments.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Learning Resources related to probability, sampling distributions, and confidence intervals.
  • For additional support, review the Skill Builder: Confidence Intervals and the Skill Builder: Sampling Distributions, which you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.
  • Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you chose) from Week 2.
  • Choose an appropriate variable from Weeks 2 and 3 and calculate a confidence interval in SPSS.
  • Once you perform your confidence interval, review Chapter 5 and 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word document
  • .For this Assignment:Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the data into your document.Based on the results of your data in this confidence interval Assignment, provide a brief explanation of what the implications for social change might be.
  • Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Leon-Guerrero, A. (2018). Social statistics for a diverse society (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    • Chapter 5, “The Normal Distribution” (pp. 128-150)
    • Chapter 6, “Sampling and Sampling Distributions” (pp. 151-178)
    • Chapter 7, “Estimation” (pp. 179-201)
    Wagner, W. E. (2016). Using IBM® SPSS® statistics for research methods and social science statistics (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    • Chapter 3, “Selecting and Sampling Cases”
    • Chapter 5, “Charts and Graphs”
    • Chapter 11, “Editing Output”

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