Cardiac Output


In assessing a 70-year-old man the FNP finds the following blood pressure 140/100 mmHg, heart rate 104 and slightly irregular, split S2. Which of these findings can… by expected hemodynamic changes related to age? 

a. Increase in resting heart rate 

b. Increase in systolic blood pressure 

c. Decrease in diastolic blood pressure 

d. Increase in diastolic blood pressure 


The FNP is examining the lymphatic system of a healthy three year old child. Which finding should the FNP expect?

a. Excessive swelling of the lymph nodes 

b. The presence of palpable lymph nodes 

c. No nodes palpable because of the immature immune system of a child 

d. Fewer numbers and a decrease in size of lymph nodes compared with those of an adult 


The FNP is preparing to perform modified Allen test. Which is an appropriate reason for this test? 

a. To measure the rate of lymphatic drainage 

b. To evaluate the adequacy of capillary patency before venous blood draws 

c. To evaluate the adequacy of collateral circulation before cannulating the radial artery 

d. To evaluate the venous refill rate that occurs after the ulnar and radial arteries are temporarily occluded 


A 25-year-old woman is in her fifth month of pregnancy has a blood pressure of 100/70 mmHg. In reviewing her previous exam the FNP notes that her blood pressure in her second month was 124/80 mmHg. When evaluating this change what does the FNP know to be true? 

a. This is the result of peripheral vasodilatation and is an expected change. 

b. Because of increased cardiac output, the blood pressure should be higher this time. 

c. This is not an expected finding because it would mean a decreased cardiac output. 

d. This would mean a decrease in circulating blood volume, which is dangerous for the fetus 

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