Botnet Evaluation

Global Approaches to Cybersecurity

Instructions for Final Report

Be sure to address the following items at some point in your report.

  • Analyze critical issues in global cybersecurity management and policy.
  • Analyze critical issues in global cybersecurity technology policy.
  • Analyze the principles of warfare that underpin cyberwarfare theory and application.
  • Assess cybersecurity policies and procedures for transnational legal compliance.
  • Compare and contrast international cybersecurity standards bodies.
  • Identify key initiatives in international cybersecurity policy.
  • Assess the cross-cutting effects of policy, budget, and technological capabilities upon the ability to address cyberthreats at the enterprise, national, and international levels.
  • Assess policy and technology trade-offs that must be considered and made when addressing cyberthreats at the enterprise, national, and international levels.
  • Assess and critique cybersecurity programs.
  • Assess emerging cybersecurity issues, risks, and vulnerabilities.
  • Assess key cyberattack technologies.
  • Assess how the theories and principles of war apply to cyberwarfare, and apply those theories to understand cyberoffense and cyberdefense challenges.

Report Sections

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • International Cybersecurity Threat Matrix
  • International Environmental Scan
  • Regional Cybersecurity Threat Fact Sheet
  • Botnet Evaluation
  • Botnet Discussion
  • Botnet Conclusion
  • Conclusion
  • Reference Page

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