Automated Tools

Question 1

Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) are developed by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) in conjunction with the National Security Agency (NSA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). STIGs are used to harden information technology resources such as routers, databases, networks, software development, and other related technologies.

STIGs are delivered in SCAP-compliant XML formats for use by SCAP-compliant tools such as Nessus. STIGs are able to be manually examined by using the STIG Viewer. Being able to manually step through a STIG is especially important for uniquely sensitive systems that do not respond well to the use of automated tools.

Question 2

Critical Thinking question found on page 37 of your text. If you were to develop a security operation within a major company-for example, the Boeing Company-would you favor having a contract, proprietary or a hybrid security organization (security force)? Defend your answer in a one to two page double spaced Word document. Use credible sources to support your position.

3 page

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